The network
CoRe-Net is an interdisciplinary learning network for better patient care in Cologne:
Consists of:

Read more about previous CoRe-Net events:
CoRe-Net coordination office
Carolin Heinen
Jan Kössendrup
PD Dr. Nadine Scholten
IMVR – Institute of Medical Sociology,
Health Services Research, and Rehabilitation Science
of the Faculty of Human Sciences and the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Cologne
Eupener Str. 129
D-50933 Köln
Phone +49 221 478-97115
Network structures
The coordination office forms the infrastructure of CoRe-Net. It is responsible for development and expansion of the network and supports the work of the CoRe-Net core projects.

Three research projects were implemented under CoRe-Net I:
LYOL-C, MenDis-CHD and OrgValue
These examined healthcare across different healthcare organizations for specific patient groups in Cologne. Furthermore, we were able to identify organizational characteristics hindering or facilitating the implementation of patient-centered care.
Read more about projects in the second funding phase below:
A central component of the CoRe-Net research platform is the CoRe-Net database: CoRe-Dat
It contains:

The project K-APAT started on 1st April 2019. It is carried out in cooperation with CoRe-Net and focuses on outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy in the Cologne metropolitan region.
The projekt CoRe-Web started on 1st October 2020. It is carried out in cooperation with CoRe-Net and aims to create a practice-relevant and target group-specific form of presentation for the communication of results from health services research into practice through the conception, implementation and evaluation of an online platform.
Veröffentlichungen des Netzwerkes
Network publications
CoRe-Net and the projects have already produced a large number of publications:

Three supply reports with different focal points will be developed and published for Cologne in the course of the second funding phase.
The reports focus on issues such as:

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