News in CoRe-Dat


Completed work areas including a short summary of results and reference to new publications
Since the database went live in 2020, there have been 13 requests to use the data so far. The requests came from institutions at the University of Cologne, from other universities in Germany and abroad and from associations in the health care sector. Eleven of these requests have already been developed into applications, two of them have already been approved and seven of them are being processed. The other two applications were rejected or withdrawn.
Currently, the four health insurance companies are providing data for the years 2018 to 2020. The delivery is expected in fall 2022. The data will be processed in the trust office and will then be available for use. These data set will be extended and contains data on travel costs, home health care, dental services and outpatient surgery. The supervisory authorities have approved a corresponding extension.

Current processes / preparations
Ongoing requests for data use cover a wide range of topics, from the use of medical devices and aids by people with visual impairments, to the care of patients with severe mental disorders and life-limiting illness, to the mental health of children and adolescents before and during the corona pandemic.

The meeting of the Health Insurance Advisory Board on June 21th was held in hybrid form, but at least partially provided the direct contact that everyone had been longing for. The representatives of the health insurance companies were pleased with the lively use of the database and the prospect of developing of CoRe-Dat in the next three years.

Outlook on the next steps
Sustainability and outreach are the keywords for CoRe-Dat in the coming twelve months. Together with all CoRe-Net applicants, the University of Cologne and the University Hospital of Cologne, work is to be done to make the database better known and used. Last but not least, the focus will be on supporting young scientists and their successful preparation of master’s and doctoral theses.

Completed work areas including a short summary of results and reference to new publications
The database has been available in its current form since 2020 and was used in the CoRe-Net subprojects LYOL-C I and MenDis-CHD I. Currently, the CoRe-Net cooperation project K-APAT is also using the data. The results of the CoRe-Net subproject LYOL-C I are available in the first CoRe-Net supply report (german language).

They are also available on the CoRe-Web platform (german language).

Current processes / preparations
The results from MenDis-CHD I are being prepared for the second CoRe-Net supply report. It will be published in the context of a launch event on 26th April 2022.
There are two applications from external applicants for the use of CoRe-Dat in the approval process at this time.

Outlook on the next steps
This year, some extensions of the database are planned. One of these is to use the billing data to map additional areas of health insurance benefits (so-called sectors). New additions will include dental services, outpatient surgery and benefits in kind such as travel costs, home health care and midwifery assistance.
It is also planned to extend the data to 2021, so that data will then be available for the period 2013 to 2021. This will then allow evaluations to be conducted for the first time on the first two years of the corona pandemic.
The application form for the use of the data is also being revised. On the one hand, it should become clearer for applicants which methodological and content-related requirements an application must fulfill. On the other hand, the review process should be simplified for the reviewers so that applications can be processed quickly.

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