Completed work areas including a short summary of results and reference to new publications
With the go-live of the online platform CoRe-Web at the beginning of March 2022, the second study part – the evaluative study – of the project has started. As part of the evaluation, people were to be observed using the platform and an online survey was to be conducted. An online survey was integrated into the new online platform. For the user survey, potential participants from the field of care and politics were contacted and requested via email. The results of the evaluation provide important information about the strengths and weaknesses of the current online platform.
Within the framework of the evaluation, five people were recruited for the user observation. Due to the current corona situation, the user observation took place virtually via Zoom. The online survey was also completed.
Current processes/preparations
The results of the online survey and user observation are currently being evaluated and ideas for revising the online platform are being derived. The web statistics are also being used for this purpose. Based on the results, the platform will be revised in the coming months. It is also planned to present the first results of the evaluation of the online platform at the German Congress for Health Services Research in autumn. An abstract has already been submitted.
Outlook on the next steps
From autumn 2022, a revised online platform will be available for CoRe-Net and can be supplemented with further results from the field of health and health services research from Cologne.
Completed work areas including a short summary of results and reference to new publications
The cooperation project CoRe-Web has reached an important milestone: on March 7, 2022, the online platform for results from health and health care research in Cologne went live.
After requirements from users from health care institutions, administration, patient representatives and science were collected in a comprehensive process of co-design, these were implemented in the first version of the platform that is now available. In other words: the platform is oriented towards what users want in terms of design, functionalities, but also in the way content is presented.
Thematically, the platform starts with two related topics: under the heading “The last year of life”, core results and recommendations for action from the LYOL-C project of the first CoRe-Net project phase are presented. Under the title “Death Wish”, it is about the project “Dealing with Death Wishes in Palliative Care” (DEDIPOM) of the Centre for Palliative Medicine at the University Hospital of Cologne. Like the supply reports, CoRe-Web is also open to all researchers from Cologne to present results. Further topics are currently in preparation.
Current processes/preparations
After the go-live, we are now evaluating the new site during operation. The project evaluates web statistics, there is a user survey and the Centre for Palliative Medicine conducts participant observations..
The aim is to answer the question of whether the site is actually geared to the wishes and needs of the users or whether it still needs to be improved. Based on the evaluation results, the site will be optimised again in the summer.
Outlook on the next steps
From autumn 2022, the platform will finally be open to CoRe-Net, its cooperation projects and other projects as a communication channel.
Completed work areas including a short summary of results and reference to new publications
As part of the CoRe-Web project, three focus groups were conducted in June and July. These included 13 service providers, policy makers and researchers. The evaluation of the focus groups showed that with the third focus group, a saturation of content was achieved. Accordingly, a further recruitment of persons was stopped in September in order to reach a case number of 15.
Based on the results from the focus groups, a concept for the technical-functional as well as the content-related-editorial design of the online platform was drafted. The study results from LYOL-C I and the project on “Optimising the handling of death wishes in palliative care” (DEDIPOM) were prepared for the online platform according to the concept designed.
Current processes/preparations
The online platform is currently being developed and further preparations are being made for the evaluation of the online platform. The online survey planned for this purpose is being finalised and completed.
Outlook on the next steps
It is planned that the new online platform will go online as a beta version in spring 2022.
CoRe-Net has been cooperating with CoRe-Web since July 2021. The CoRe-Web project already started in October 2020. To date, a number of project steps have already been completed. The positive ethics vote (vote number 20-1715_1) from the ethics committee of the University of Cologne, which took place in March, represents a milestone. The ethics vote confirms that data protection and ethical aspects are considered when conducting the study.
Following this, the recruitment of participants for the focus groups could be started. An interview guide was developed for the focus groups and a first conceptual draft of the online platform (wireframe) was created.
Three focus groups have already been conducted. Further focus groups or individual interviews are being planned in order to achieve a case number of at least 15 participants.
Project funding: Central Research Institute of Ambulatory Health Care in Germany