Methods seminar: Socioeconomic Impact Assessment -SEIA

On 3rd November 2020 two methods seminars on the topic of “Socioeconomic Impact Assessment – SEIA” were organized in cooperation with the Center for Health Services Research Cologne (ZVFK). Due to the pandemic, the event was conducted entirely online. A total of 18 people took part in the methods seminar via Microsoft Teams.

The seminar was led by Ingo Meyer ((Head of PMV research group, University of Cologne) with assistance from Adriana Poppe (PMV research group, University of Cologne).


The key part of the seminar was an introduction to the ASSIST tool– Assessment and evaluation tools for e-service deployment in health, care and ageing [Hammerschmidt, Meyer, 2014].

The session was introduced with a presentation of the general method, followed by an interactive application of the tool. In the process, participants solved common challenges using an example case. In particular, the cost-benefit trade-off between different stakeholders, dealing with vetoes, monetizing immaterial costs and benefits (such as satisfaction), and dealing with uncertainty in the data were addressed. Participants discussed and solved the challenges together in virtual settings.

Despite the challenge of performing an interactive session in a virtual format, we can look back on a successful event. Feedback says that the course was a helpfull introduction to the method.

We are pleased about the lively attendance despite pandemic-related restrictions and would like to thank everyone who took part in the method seminar!