On October 27th 2021, our second CoRe-Net general assembly of the second funding phase took place. In accordance with the 2G rule, this meeting was organised in the presence of the members. The meeting took place in the premises of the University Hospital Cologne. A total of 27 people attended the meeting.
Prof. Dr. Holger Pfaff
Dr. Nadine Scholten
CoRe-Net coordination office
After opening words by Prof. Dr. Holger Pfaff (CoRe-Net applicant and director of the Center for Health Services Research Cologne (ZVFK) at the University of Cologne), Dr. Nadine Scholten (CoRe-Net applicant and coordinator) reported on past events of the network between February and August 2021.
CoRe-Net working group
Dr. Thomas Joist (CoRe-Net representative of the provider perspective) introduced the newly founded working group “Patient-oriented Intersectoral Health Care“. The interdisciplinary working group addresses scientists, health care providers, patient representatives as well as payers and the city of cologne.
Networking and the flow of information between the various sectors and players in the healthcare system are extremely important for good patient care.
CoRe-Net Supply Report
Ingo Meyer (CoRe-Net applicant and head of the PMV research group) provided information on the first published CoRe-Net Supply Report and the current status of the second one. He concluded the review with an outlook on the third supply report.
The first CoRe-Net Supply Report on the topic “Care of people in their last year of life in Cologne” is available here.
from left to right:
Christin Leminski, Belinda Werner and Lena Sannemann
Dr. Adrienne Alayli
News from the CoRe-Net subprojects
Afterwards, we heard contributions from the CoRe-Net projects* LYOL-C II, MenDis-CHD II and OrgValue II as well as a report by Dr. Adrienne Alayli (Institute for Health Economics and Clinical Epidemiology at the University Hospital of Cologne) on the Delphi study as part of OrgValue II.
The speakers offered an insight into the work processes since the last general assembly and current research results, as well as an outlook on the contents and the procedure in the further course of the second funding phase.
*contributions from the CoRe-Net projects: speakers
LYOL-C II / OrgValue II
Jana Frey (Center for Palliative Medicine of the University Hospital of Cologne)
Sophie Peter (Institute of Medical Sociology, Health Services Research and Rehabilitation Science at the University of Cologne)
MenDis-CHD II / OrgValue II
Christin Leminski (Institute of Medical Sociology, Health Services Research and Rehabilitation Science at the University of Cologne)
Lena Sannemann (Clinic and Polyclinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of the University Hospital Cologne)
Belinda Werner (Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, Chair for Social Policy and Methods of qualitative Social Research, University of Cologne)
Sophie Peter and
Dr. Vanessa Brandes
Cooperation projects
In the second part of the meeting Dr. Vanessa Brandes (Infection Outpatient Clinic and Day Clinic, University Hospital Cologne) and Sophie Peter (Institute for Medical Sociology, Health Services Research and Rehabilitation Science at the University of Cologne) presented the current status and initial results of our cooperation project K-APAT. Ingo Meyer presented the new project CoRe-Web, which has been cooperating with CoRe-Net since July 2021.
Finally, Ingo Meyer and Dr. Nadine Scholten presented the CoRe-Net database with its structure and its possibilities for use.
Read more about the CoRe-Net database here.
Conclusion and thanks
After the two-hour meeting, the participants exchanged views on the meeting topics and upcoming projects over drinks in the spirit of the network character.
We look back on a successful general assembly in presence and are happy about the first personal exchange since the beginning of the pandemic. We would like to thank all speakers and participants for their contributions, their interest and the lively exchange.