
COVID – Research at the University of Cologne

On three evenings in May (12th, 19th and 26th) our digital event series “COVID – Research at the University of Cologne” took place in cooperation with the Center for Health Services Research Cologne (ZVFK). The three themed evenings “Nursing and school life in pandemic times”, “Social effects of the pandemic” and “Medical sectors in the pandemic” gave an overview into the research projects of the University of Cologne in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic for all interested citizens. The events were held via the Zoom virtual meeting platform.

The presentations were recorded and are available for all interested parties on the YouTube channel of the University of Cologne (german language).

May 12th – Nursing and school life in pandemic times

The focus of the kick-off event was on the current situation in the areas of care and everyday school life. The affected groups, people in need of care and children, are considered particularly vulnerable and thus require special protection. The various presentations provided an overview of the broad spectrum of challenges and perspectives in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

This evening was moderated by Arno Stöcker, scientific coordinator at the Center for Health Services Research Cologne (ZVFK).

Pflegeheime in der COVID-19-Krise (HEICO)
Prof. Dr. Sascha Köpke
(Institut für Pflegewissenschaft, University of Cologne)

Pflegerische Versorgung in Zeiten von Corona – Drohender Systemkollaps oder „normaler Wahnsinn“? Wissenschaftliche Studie zu Herausforderungen und Belastungen aus der Sichtweise von Leitungskräften.
Supply Prof. Dr. Timo Pförtner
(Arbeitsbereich Forschungsmethoden, University of Cologne)

Kosten-Effektivität von Maßnahmen zur Infektionsvermeidung in Schulen
Dr. med. Dipl. oec. Marcus Redaèlli
(Institute for Health Economics and Clinical Epidemiology, University of Cologne)

Unterstützte Kommunikation im Distanzlernen (Tele-UK)
Prof. Dr. Jens Boenisch
(AAC Research and Consultation Center, University of Cologne)

May 19th – Social effects of the pandemic

The second themed evening took a detailed look at the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of its impact on our society. The presentations provided insights regarding the national handling of the pandemic, possible inequalities between different population groups, and the impact on the culture of presence in organizations.

This evening was moderated by Dr. Nadine Scholten, scientific coordinator of the Cologne Research and Development Network (CoRe-Net).

Nationale Strategie für Palliativversorgung in Pandemiezeiten (PallPan)
Berenike Pauli und Karlotta Schlösser
(Center for Palliative Medicine & Clinic I for Internal Medicine, University Hospital Cologne)

Homeoffice und die Veränderung der Präsenzkultur durch die COVID-19-Pandemie in deutschen Organisationen
Jana Neumann und Laura Seinsche
(Institute of Medical Sociology, Health Services Research and Rehabilitation Science, University of Cologne)

Sozioökonomische Ungleichheiten in der Gesundheit während der COVID-19-Pandemie (INHECOV)
Supply Prof. Dr. Timo Pförtner
(Arbeitsbereich Forschungsmethoden, University of Cologne)

May 26th – Medical sectors in the pandemic

Physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals have been and continue to be faced with new challenges in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The presentations of the theme evening “Medical Sectors in the Pandemic” gave an insight into the corona-related effects on the well-being of affected persons as well as the (re)design of work processes.

This evening was moderated by Arno Stöcker, scientific coordinator at the Center for Health Services Research Cologne (ZVFK).

COVID-19 Mobile Tests für Köln – Community
Prof. Dr. Oliver A. Cornely
(Clinic I for Internal Medicine, University Hospital Cologne)

Online Survey zu Belastungen und psychischen Ressourcen des medizinischen Personals während der COVID-19-Pandemie (VOICE)
Prof. Dr. Christian Albus
(Clinic and Polyclinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital Cologne)

Die COVID-19-Krise und ihr Einfluss auf den ambulanten Sektor in Deutschland – Die Sicht der niedergelassenen Ärztinnen und Ärzte (COVID-GAMS)
Jan Hoffmann und Laura Mause
(Institute of Medical Sociology, Health Services Research and Rehabilitation Science, University of Cologne)

We would like to thank all speakers for their diverse contributions to corona research at the University of Cologne as well as the participants for the exciting exchange during the three theme evenings.